Saturday 27 March 2010

Uncle Fiddles has a day release for theProtest #SaveBBC6Music #AdamAndJoe

I just had the message I've been waiting for from the prison wardens to say that my dear Uncle Fiddles' application for a day pass has been granted so he will be able to look after me at today's protest. Of course, I'll have to persuade him that the 6Music cause is more important than a bit of hanky-panky, so wish me luck.

Are you going to be there? Remember: sensible shoes, a clean hankie and the correct bus fare home.

A couple of nuggets that might help you through the day. Keep it calm and obey the rules.


S A V E     B B C 6 M U S I C  -   Y O U  R    S E C R E T   S T A T I O N    N E E D S     Y O U 

You've procrastinated for long enough.
Fill in the Consultation and come to today's meeting.
Saturday 27th March at 12pm at Broadcasting House 
(located on Portland Place, W1A 1AA). 

The nearest station is Oxford Circus although it can also be easily reached 
from Great Portland Street.  See here for a map of the area.

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