Wednesday 16 May 2012

Sing a Song Of Silver, a Pocket full of WIN! #AdamAndJoe

I know, I is worth much, much more than silver. Joe has already established that. However, the gold winners, albeit delightful and deserving, were the token novelty win of the night and who can r e a l l y tell the difference between silver and platinum anyway?

Here is the presentation speech, anyhoo.

I hope my shoutout didn't jinx the whole affair. 

I must say RadioToday Live did a grand job of webstreamig from the evening, even though my broadband dropped out half way through so I didn't get much more of the show. Thanks must go to Claire Slevin (Producer of the ludicrously overlooked Shaun W Keaveny show erstwhile producer of Adam and Joe's shoe + Buckles bicycle safety officer) who tweeted with the news as I was out socialising. Deal with it.

You can read more about what the judges said here.


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