Monday 8 March 2010

The Morning After the Night Before #SaveBBC6Music #AdamAndJoe

The ET Podcast Intro seemed a fitting choice after the Oscars Excuse-Me of last night.

I should probably warn you that this gets very emotional towards the end and if you're already feeling delicate after last night's ceremony, you might want to listen to this when you feel a little stronger. It's very loud in places too.

From 28th November 2009

Save BBC6Music

The latest petition is here.
The BBC Trust has opened it's Public Consultation. Please take a moment to look around and make your point.
Finally, this blogger has set out some useful methods for showing your support.
Edited to Add:
J P Stacey has kindly put a sample letter here as guidance but please try to make your submissions individual so they don't get overlooked.
Kate Butler's  8 Point Plan has some useful thoughts too.

1 comment:

Admirer of Adam & Joe said...