Friday 28 October 2011

Joe Cornish at the London Screenwriters Festival this afternoon #Tintin #AttacktheBlock #Londonswf


With thanks to @Londonswf for the picture which I have stolen, without even asking, until such time as I'm asked to remove it. *

Joe spent an hour in conversation at the London Screenwriters Festival this afternoon.  

Here follows a selection of the tweets and I'm expecting Leilani Holmes to summarise on their blog at some point. These are better read from the bottom up. I don't have time to format them any better than this at the moment. 

 Holly Wilson

Joe Cornish's talk most inspiring of today - forget everything everyone says about writing and watch loads of films! 


 writer  recommends 1970s  debut  for up and down endings.

 Jan Gilbert

 has avoided all drama boxsets he says u need to survive at dinner parties eg wire, sopranos 

 Jan Gilbert

! Lot of American reviews of  said  subversive for killing off some of his teen characters. 


 recommends mood boards as for him film is about tone and action - not so much dialogue. 


Attack the Block writer  is speaking right now at : "Reading script help books gave me writer's block!"

 Leilani Holmes

 Joe Cornish is very giving with his replies. He's an edgy guy too. I like him. He's deadly honest.

 Jan Gilbert

Lot of bulked-up subplots in  came about as Bruce Willis unavailable for filming.  

 Jan Gilbert

Joe Cornish's fav film at film school was . Top man! 

 Leilani Holmes

 Wherever possible he tried to record unmitigated behavior in the actors. But impro doesn't happen on set, it's too expensive.


Joe Cornish on 'TinTin' - "As the writer you're a guardian of the script but the film is an amalgamation of the whole teams ideas & efforts"

ha ha....after saying he'd just finished all the research for his next film, Joe is now saying he's still doing it 

 Andrea Mann

  JC did Robert McKee course & read screenwriting books, but they just made him feel like he was doing something wrong.

  JC: 'I just tried to write the sort of thing I'd want to see'.

 Screenwriters' Fest

Take advantage of all the people around you, the crew, the art directors and most importantly the actors - Joe Cornish 

 Leilani Holmes

 In one of his first meetings with Spielberg he is ashamed he asked if there were aliens in Indiana Jones 4.

 In TinTin there were challenges. He had to condense the characters to all be present at one time & add story to the weaker bits.

 Andrea Mann

  JC recommends reading the transcript of a Lucas/Spielberg/Kasden script meeting re Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

 Leilani Holmes

 He finished the TinTin script before Attack the Block was made and that was through Edgar. Peter Jackson often there in person.

 Joe just said that he read the making of Star Wars and if the Death Star came from budget constraint then it shouldn't worry us.


'Approach it as something you like & not a chore' Joe Cornish &  on writer's block at  2011

 Jan Gilbert

Joe Cornish likes writing after 3pm as that's when school ended. So writing after 3pm feels like fun; before, feels like work! 

 Leilani Holmes

 Never stop 'plussing' (improving stuff) is his thing but it can be very tiring during production when writing & directing.


'Don't worry about not writing, wait until your brain-bucket is so full of stuff that you can't not write' - Joe Cornish at  2011

'I was the best in my class at drawing the ghostbusters logo' Joe Cornish at  2011

 Leilani Holmes

 He had to test & prove the monsters worked six months before shooting.

 Joe says there's the 'withhold the monster' which can be bad if the monster is rubbish or you can work with reveal & multitude!

 Joe Cornish now talking about Attack the Block. He had an outline and a mood board of his drawings and photos, then fleshed out.


Joe Cornish - Attack The Block- came up withe idea after being mugged?!  

 Screenwriters' Fest

 Conversation with Joe Cornish 

 In the house @ Regent's College 

 may have my dream job working with  . let's hear what he has to say on the matter. 

* but I'm going to be out for few hours tonight.....

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