Sunday 16 September 2012

Adam & Joe retain their 'secret' status in new comedyquiz #AdamBuxton #JoeCornish

Last night saw the first outing for Channel 4's new comedy quiz Comedy World Cup.
Now, a precedent has been set for Adam and Joe references in these tea-time quiz shows (see way below) and thankfully, their run of enduring forgettableness remains uninterupted thanks to a cashier at lunch in Jason Manford's memory bank.

Of course, this instance has the stench of double amusement when we realise than in a few hours' time, we'll be watching the product of Mr Manford's recent meeting with Mr Buxton in Big Fat Quiz of the 80's. Thank goodness that was recorded last week.

To take it one meta-step further, Joe Cornish was of course, a co-writer on the referenced version of Tintin, not featuring "Matt Lucas and um" as the twins.

Ann Robinson's Weakest Link
Terry Wogan's Quiz thing

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