Sunday, 31 January 2010

Adam reassures his tearful sister, Jo #AdamAndJoe

Just a little one today. Joe's freeplay had a mixed response.

from December 12th 2009

Saturday, 30 January 2010

DJ Nippie Nips versus Four Foot Club #AdamAndJoe

I've probably overdone the origins of Song Wars by now but I do love Joe's description of what they look like when you see them together. From the show on 27th Oct 2007

From the show on 27th Oct 2007

blogged yesterday so I don't want to go again today but be sure to read Joe's 6Music blog entry for today.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Dizzie's Favourite Snack #AdamAndJoe

I should have put this in the last post to put the Tarmac reference into context.

From the Glastonbury show on 28th June 2009

Manners Cost Nothing #AdamAndJoe

Some loyal members of #TwitSquadron were fortunate enough to enjoy Adam's gig in Shepherd's Bush the other night.

Such is the gracious majesty of Viscount Buckules, that he took some time with them for photos and even a cuddle so I thought it would be nice to post this little nugget today.

From the Glastonbury show on 28th June 2009

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Freeforming in the studio #AdamAndJoe

This is from a year ago and for shame, I cannot remember what prompted them to do these songs.

I called the file Contractual Obligations, for some reason. I must go back and listen to the full show when I get a minute, unless someone can remind me in a comment below. I know Joe's song refers to the lovely model that Adam started to fixate on and whom they eventually met at a BUG but I can't remember what prompted the live improv. It must have been pre-meditated for them to have both brought their guitars.

From 24th January, 2009

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The Original Song Wars Jingle #AdamAndJoe

From their first in-their-own-right 6Music show on 27th October 2007, Adam presented this jingle for Song Wars. It was soon superseded so it's nice to keep it here for posterousness

Happy Birthday @cobartlett #AdamAndJoe

@WickWox sent Adam's song via Twitter and YouTube so I felt it was my duty to send Joe's from here.

Have a wonderful day and evening!!!

Auntie xxxx

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Public Schoolboys begin a new life on the streets of Baltimore(for @rabbsotronic) #AdamAndJoe

A few days ago, I had a request from @rabbsotronic to find this clip of Adam riffing on The Wire. Sorry it took a while but it's worth waiting for.

From 30th May 2009

Monday, 25 January 2010

Podcast Intro: Indiana Jones #AdamAndJoe

You might wonder why I don't post both the broadcast and the podcast from June 13th 2009 in full because I am constantly drawn to shoving bits from that show on here.

This is yet another one of my favourite clips from that date.

Wonky credit to John Williams's only a month since Christmas Day. Seems much longer.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

The Gayest Boys Ever Award goes to.... #AdamAndJoe

Hang on, is it three clip Sunday or something?

I think it must be. Don't complain if I don't post anything tomorrow, though.

Ex 31st August 2007

Party Havoc #AdamAndJoe

I'm still noodling through the Keaveny shows and this reminded me of a more recent exchange wherein an enthusiastic texter told us that he went all the way to the top of a water shoot and slide down it. There were no disasterous consequences whatsover.

This clip however, is from the Parties that Ended in Disaster TTN.

Ex 31st August 2007

David Bowie as Tesla #AdamAndJoe

Adam and Joe were not best pleased about a rumour that their hero might turn up in Doctor Who so they dribbled a bit of delicious nonsense about it on their penultimate day, sitting in for Shaun Keaveny.

From 30th August 2007

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Acapella Song Wars #AdamAndJoe

When Adam and Joe stood in for Shaun W Keaveny for two weeks worth of early morning nonsense, they had a different approach to Song Wars. They just played a snatch all week and the one that got the most votes was played in full on the Friday.
On 29th August 2007, they finished the show with a quick, live rendition.

As it's Saturday, the official Day With the Adam And Joe Shaped Hole, I might post another clip later on.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Nintendo64 Versus the Playstation #AdamAndJoe

This is from 27th August 2007 which was a Bank Holiday Monday in England & Wales and 6Music were dedicating the day to the year of 1997.

Adam had a little look through his diary for that year and recounts an entry for us to enjoy.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Joe Cornish as Moriarty, or not #AdamAndJoe

Young Sherlock was shown on the telly last week & prompted the old lookie-likie debate.

My opinion? You wish Mr Rowe, you wish.

(Just don't tell anyone at Tingles)

From 4th April 2009

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Bored Sexy Lady, when she was excited.... #AdamAndJoe

Recent regular listeners will know all about the bored, sexy BBC 6Music programme link lady but there was a time when Joe thought she was a little bit more excited than she is these days.

From 22nd August 2007. Once again, remembering that this was their first week within the confines of the Big British Castle, feeling their way around the boundaries of decency.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

For @Laxy 2001 Podcast Intro #AdamAndJoe

One of my Tweetdeck search columns is for Adam and Joe, naturally enough. So while I am working away on the 'puter little nuggets of info pop up. Sometimes I feel moved to respond.
Last night, the wonderfully talented Jonathan Lax mourned the misplacement of the podcast containing this intro song. In my self-aggrandising capacity as facilitator to the Adam and Joe community, I scuttled away to find it and plop it here for today's waffle-a-day.
So here is Holst's Also Sprach Zarathustra, Adam and Joe stylie.

This is from the podcast that related to the show on the 6th June 2009.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Bits And Bobs Dot Com #AdamAndJoe

I'm going to post two clips today, as they are related.

From 24th August 2007. Once again, remembering that this was their first week within the confines of the Castle.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Terminator Mash Up #AdamAndJoe

Good grief, here is yet another clip from 13th June, 2009.

This features Ben's mash up of two opposing Terminator reviews followed by Adam and Joe's extension of how life might be in the sweetly impressionable mind of a BBC 6Music film reviewer.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Interailing to Patras #AdamAndJoe

So many times when I'm looking for a fond clip, I return to 13th June 2009 and this one is no exception.

Adam recounts a beautiful song he sang with Joe (or not) when they were little.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Celebrity Regression.

After a very tardy byte yesterday, I've chosen a lovely treat for today, spoiled only by the appalling quality of the sound. It's the content that counts.

I wish I'd been listening live as I'd have rushed in with my CD as soon as look at 'em.
This is from the XFM second series just as they returned from their Christmas break.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Bin Shaped Banter from Adam and Joe

I'm rushing in here, just making it under the one-a-day wire with a quick clip from 21st November 2009.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - Adam And Joe style

The other day, some lovely tweets reminded me of this oversized bubble of joy. I'm not even sure if Posterous can handle a file this large

One of the many amusing notes about this piece is that Joe says he hasn't seen the other two films in the series but listeners to the XFM shows will note that is not necessarily the case.  They must have been efficiently banished to the farthest corners of his mind or discarded completely.

Adam And Joe on the Radio (jinglejongle)

I'll put a longer clip up later on today but I was just listening to the Boxing Day show again and this jingle jongle flooded me with a weird clash of emotions.

It's an oldie that they hardly ever play nowadays and I remember being so pleased to hear it on the day after Christmas Day.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Sunday Poem with Joe Cornish

As the Lord is having his special, restful day, I thought it would be mellow to dust off Joe's summer evocation of the famous of the W B Yeats poem.

Goodness knows how powerful this might have been if he'd been put under some kind of pressure. It would have probably been too moving to put on the interweb.

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death by W B Yeats I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death

Friday, 8 January 2010

Melvyn Bragg probes Joe Cornish's Song

I've been torn about today's soundbyte but I wandered past this lovely piece from 24th May 08, I think. It was a recap of his Song Wars entry from the previous week. This is also enjoyable because there's a big, fat Jude laugh in there.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Adam and Joe Still top of 6Music iPlayer

It's two weeks after this show was first broadcast & they're still the digital station's favourite.

and despite the BBC taking ALL of the podcasts down.

They are STILL coming in at number 13 in the Podcast Charts


 If you still need your fix, look at the archives here and  here.

Dr Snippington

From The Adam And Joe show broadcast on November 14th, 2009.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Boggins Dental Care

From The Adam And Joe show broadcast on October 3rd 2009.
Joe Cornish abused the friendship he has cherished for so long by covertly filming Adam Buxton's affirmations about Boggins Toothpaste. This was all in the name of haughty advertising media cash. How utterly disgusting.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Another old clip: Joe's new bed feature

I might try to do one of these a day. Then again, I might not. This is quite a big file & might take a while to load and play without hiccups

Monday, 4 January 2010

For old time's sake Boggins Rebranding clip

This is from the show on 29th August, 2009 when Adam and Joe returned after their summer break from 6Music. This is how the Boggins first came into the show. The dog was just a controversial by-product, as far as I was concerned.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Friday, 1 January 2010

Doctor Who's PLEA to keep the Adam And Joe show alive

Whatever you say about Doctor Who, we have to respect Russell T Davies' and David Tennant's heartfelt efforts to keep the show alive as the Doctor cries 'Text the Nation'.

Once again, sorry about the get the idea...I guess he's actually asking for the 'destination' which is why I responsibly left the reply in there......and thanks to @thesophie for spotting it first.......and all the other tweeters that noticed!

What IS Adam Buxton doing with that hedge?

The BBC2 edit monkeys had the good sense to plop a bit of Adam and Joe at the top of their New Year's Day (Eve?) Highlights broadcast.
Joe posits about the cows while Adam looks sweet and shy, slightly bored and apparently struggling with the demons of his privet addiction.