Friday, 16 October 2015

The Adam Buxton Podcast - Ep 5

I've got a bit of a problem this week. My main purpose in making these posts is to marry up  Sally Grosart's wonderful illustration with Adam's podcast but that has hitherto been dependent upon embedding the Soundcloud version which has not been forthcoming with this episode.*

So in the meantime, as you've probable noticed in your iTunes/Acast feed, the pod is here and the illustration is, well, here.

You can subscrbe in iTunes here. Rob Brydon's website is here.

*Hang on a minute - thanks to Adam's blogpost, I now know how to embed the little player

Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Adam Buxton Podcast - Ep 4

Each week gives us more to love and share.

I don't know how Sally makes these illustrations so quickly but I am so happy that she does.

 If you love swearing, you're going to adore this.

As promissed, Adam made a new Bond theme which plays at the end of the podcast. He has kindly made a great bit, super quality WAV file for us to download too.

and somebody only went and put it on YouTube with some pictures.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Adam Buxton Podcast - Ep 3

Hopefully, everyone has subscribed and whatevs so that no warning in needed about Adam's weekly pod by now.

I shall continue to make a blogpage for as long as Sally Grosart continues to illustrate the pod.

Adam's Blogpage.