Saturday 19 June 2010

Giving it all the love on Friday #AdamAndJoe #SaveBBC6Music

I'd scarcely shrugged off the duvet yesterday before 6Music filled my ears with Adam and Joe shaped honeycomb.

This is how it went..........

....then a tweet from that very room followed by this ...

meaning that Shaun W Keaveny knew this was one time when Adam would not be listening live and could spare his feelings by playing Dr Sexy without him knowing.  Shaun was doing an Auntie's day and whilst I was amazed that Joe didn't seem to want to mention his special, Boxing Day auntie (no doubt to avoid the shame of remembering Uncle Fiddle), I felt playing his song was almost as good as being in the top ten.

So here is the chart count-down followed by the doctor himself. A timeless treat for aunties everywhere.

when Shaun handed over to Lauren, she continued with Adam and Joe joy and an anecdottie

There's a new Glastonbury trail with a magnificent bit of Stephenage

......and finally, Adam recorded a brand new trail for his Big MixTape.

1 comment:

Burntbroccoli said...