Sunday 25 July 2010

It's OK to talk about pop on a Sunday, isn't it? #AdamAndJoe

The show from 24th January 2009 seemed to linger in the downstairs region and that's always a fun place to poke around on a Sunday with giggles from both Joe and then Adam.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Joe is deploying his cod language skills on the streets of France's patois-laden capital. I hope he's oblivious to the inevitable derision those Parisians must deal him.

In the second part, the final delivery of "I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I'm Adam, by the way" is the reason it's a crying shame that he's not offered better tv roles.  Given the right material, often his own, he's a genius of subtle proportions.

From January 24th 2009 (Podcast Version)

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