Monday 18 July 2011

A Bowientiful, Buxtom Cornballucopia ...wuzz #AdamAndJoe

A little bit of Bowie twitty chat with a lovely lady from Chicago prompted me to gather this lot together.

I wish to make it very clear that Adam and Joe's love of Mr Bowie knows no limits and all of this nonsense is done with the deepest respect, affection and admiration.

Adam took inspiration from his beloved Labyrinth for this audition piece.

....and even made this haunting melody.

Staying in that goblin king area, Den of Geek paid their dutiful respects to Adam and Joe when they rounded up their top ten Bowie Impressions as part of their Labyrinth Anniversary celebrations.
1. Adam Buxton
There was only one person who could really top this list, and that's the man who's done more in recent years for the humble Bowie impression than anyone else. I am talking, of course, about Count Buckules himself, Adam Buxton of Adam And Joe fame. Scratch that, make it two people. They both deserve the glory.
High functioning Bowie obsessives and experts in Bowie dialectology, Buxton and Cornish have harvested the fruit of their decades-long Bowie fixation to bring us a special gift, the one size fits all Bowie impression. They've managed to distil any utterance by the man who sold the world down to just two beautifully precise, repeated syllables, wuzza wuzza.
It's a capsule Bowie impression and there's no other way to describe it but genius. Sheer wuzza wuzza genius. Congratulations, Adam and Joe. We think a celebratory Bowiesnack might be in order.
They included this film by Chris Salt using Adam's lyrics and track in support of BBC Radio 6Music:

Who can forget them riffing on the notion that Mr Bowie might be a surprise guest at Glastonbury 2010?

I really WISH there was a different YouTube version of Joe's Bathtime for Bowie song because I loathe this stupid picture & the sound quality is rubbs. However, don't forget you can buy this and literally tens of other Adam and Joe songs here.

They mention their beloved Bowie at some point during every radio show but like to give him special reverence at Christmas.

...and here's a bit of randomosity that we've grown to expect, accept and love.

and a Bowie Burst in here...

...and a chat about Bowie's Boggins stance:

BrianEggo collected all these nuggets to embarrass the idiotholes for time immemorial.

When Adam and Joe discovered the above, they responded thusly during their next show.

I did hesitate to include this next one. Adam is such an unfalteringly honest soul and we all love him for it but in this case it bothered Joe and in hindsight, may have bothered Adam. I hope I'm doing the right thing. To my mind, if anything, it amplifies their true love and appreciation of David by not blindly fawning over every aspect of his output.

and another from the slightly contentious department, they discuss The Office and Doctor Who.

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