Tuesday 21 December 2010

He's done a blog, he's done a blog, rooty rooty schmooty rooty blogblog blog #AdamBuxton

In case you missed it yesterday, Adam battled through his germs and fevers to bring us the blog update that might just be akin to the fairy atop the tree, the cherry on the Dundee cake, as it were.
Like blogging twins, I too go for weeks without a peep on my Silly Blog and then dribble out the backlog of stuff I've probably already tweeted about, frankly.  Adam doesn't do the tweeting so a nugget from him is like a hot toddy gliding down your neck.
Read it. It catches up with all those unanswered questions. It's even got a sort of Christmas Card thing for you to cut out and keep.
I've had the makings of a new Silly Blog entry sitting in the casket for a couple of days but Adam's covered the important stuff so I might waffle something on Christmas Eve.

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