Friday 31 December 2010

The Best of Adam Buxton's Big Mixtape: Jimmy Getaway - Louis Theroux #AdamBuxton (Rpt)

Welcome to Louis Theroux! The world renowned journalist and presenter of bizarre, compelling and sometimes disturbing documentaries helps Adam create a road trip themed compilation tape.

The last in this run of Adam's shows that have been lovingly forced into a tiny, one hour slot. The pod has been cast again for anyone that missed them earlier in the year. You can still read the bloggins page about this show here.

Any excuse to show one of these


In case you missed it, the full episode that was hosted by Ken Korda was repeated on Sunday and can still be heard on the iPlayer but it's also running during 6Music Adam And Joe Day* on 3rd January, 2011.

Adam and Joe Song Wars Vol 2 is in the shops now. You can also buy it online from your store of choice.

If you have no respect for lovingly crafted artwork, you could just suck the data out of iTunes.

* Not really but they're playing an awful lot of repeated goodies that day.


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