Monday 5 April 2010

Podcast Intro Day wherein Joe capitulates all over the area. #AdamAndJoe #SaveBBC6Music

This was from the podcast of 18th April 2009 show..

I'll leave you in the hands of BBC 6Music who will take care of all your Adam And Joe listening needs for the rest of the week. You can get a retro-podcast each weekday and they've made hour long shows of these to go on air, like they did at Christmas. You can see the schedule below.
Adam will be back with Liza Tarbuck at 10am on Radio 2 next Saturday and we have episode two of his Big Mix Tape to look forward to on Sunday. Have fun and don't forget to listen responsibly.

S A V E     B B C 6 M U S I C  -   Y O U  R    S E C R E T   S T A T I O N    N E E D S     Y O U 

You've procrastinated for long enough. Fill in the Consultation 

Watch the glorious Miranda Sawyer tell it like it is.

Adam and Joe
Tuesday 06 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from March 2008, titled Minor Surgeries.


Adam and Joe
Wednesday 07 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from April 2008, titled Challenges.


Adam and Joe
Thursday 08 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from April 2008, titled The Wall.


Adam and Joe
Friday 09 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from May 2008, titled Stephen and featuring the original conversation that led to the Stephen! phenomenon.


Adam and Joe
Tuesday 13 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from June 2008, titled Grotesquely Extended.


Adam and Joe (or in fact, Garth)
Wednesday 14 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from June 2008, titled Shingles.


Adam and Garth
Thursday 15 April 

12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Catch up on the podcast from June 2008, titled Whole Lot Of Shaky Going On and featuring Garth Jennings sitting in for poor old Joe, who was off with shingles.


Adam and Joe
Friday 16 April 
12:00am - 1:00am 
BBC 6 Music
Welcome to a dozen Easter Egg podcasts from Adam and Joe! Catch up on the podcast from July 2008 titled The Return of Dr Sexy.

From the Radio Times


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