Thursday, 30 September 2010

Some Masked Fun for Little Joe #AdamAndJoe

I was sure I'd already put this here but it would seem not.

This is for Anouk and Monastico.

A washer woman excites a little man and we never do find out what happened with ye olde worlde tailor.

From 12th January 2008

Masque of the Red Death NT Production Page and Punchdrunk Page.

Notes from the wonderful West End Whingers.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Yes listeners, it's time to play Crap Commentary Corner #AdamAndJoe

I like to pop these in here once in a while because of course, the jingle rivals Retro-Text The Nation for it's sheer poetic beauty.

You have to love Lydia for making the stupid men shut up.





(I love the stupid men)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The Toy Patient #AdamAndJoe

I am moved to link this after seeing Ms Binoche acting opposite a smooth plank last week in Certified Copy.

Incredible Adam And Joe directorial, scriptorial, voice-orial magnificence                                 and a gigglefest await you here.


(Sadly, all YouTube versions are embed disabled)

There are more of these on Adam's Channel if you need your fix at speed but for the price of a large fruit smoothie with wheatgrass and a little patience you will find  their DVD so much more fulfilling.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Podcast Intro Day: Mouth-phonic Orchestra (Hawkestra) #AdamAndJoe

Can it really be possible that I haven't put this idiotic mess/angelic symphony on here before?

If I have, would anyone blame me for doing it again?

Earplugs should be at the ready. No, really.

Made from the podcast of the 28th November 09 show

with scant credit to John Williams

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Northampton teacher tames feral child #CollingsAndHerring

Chris Hawkins did a lovely job in Adam and Joe's slot again today but I had to share this wonderfully silly bit from last week's Collins And Herring show.

There's nothing more cheering than uncontrollable laughter on a Saturday morning, or indeed afteroon.

From 19th September 2010


Joe does #AdamAndJoe

Human error is not acceptable to someone destined for Hollywood stardom. Lovely, expressive noises from Buckules at the end of this one.

From 27th October 2007

As you can see from this embedding disabled version, Joe's impression is uncanny.


Joe did get his wish the following week, by the way.

From 3rd November 2007


Friday, 24 September 2010

The In and Out of Gangs #AdamAndJoe

Something from the first show of their permanent tenure on 6Music again today.

If you're new to Adam and Joe: a) I envy your first-time journey b) you might want to orientate yourself with this and then this sound first.

From 27th October 2007

They were just finding their way with the Song Wars 'feature' but right out of a blocks, a now familiar pattern emerged. There's a bit of lovely Jude* input in here too. I'll pop another bit from this show in the mix tomorrow.

As most people will know, Joe never did add his girly warbles to this early jingle because Adam plopped his magnificently enduring alternative on the table the following week.

If this has been much too tantalising for you, I can direct you to the iTunes merchandiser portal where you can enjoy the full version of these songs for a small fee and keep them on your MP3 player. Imagine that.

*Jude produced the show before she was lured by the tall buildings and orchard-based excitement of New York. She has a special line in giggles.


Thursday, 23 September 2010

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Fluid Release & Sasquatch News #AdamAndJoe

Our lamented heroes discuss a telly proggy that should have been Joe's wet dream, if only it had delivered.

From 7th February 2009

Adam is so supportive but what an adorable idiothole Joe is. He says "DNA alysis" which should surely be adopted by the Forensic Science Service as more economical terminology. I'd love to witness one of Louis' withering-look missiles.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Pigeons Have Nipples #AdamAndJoe

Another indisputable fact from the kings of the kingdom of rightness.

From 12th December 2009

I've secretly wished that Kimika would use her amazing talents to draw this mythical nursing pigeon.

Edited: SongWarMonger has stepped up to the plate with this picture.


By the way, that Google hit isn't as stimulating as you might have hoped.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Podcast Intro Day #AdamAndJoe

They spent a couple of weeks experimenting with new ways to say hello.  Adam was happy with last week's effort but Joe urged him to experiment further.

This was before people started to suggest riffing on John Williams and the like.

From the podcast made of the 21st February 2009 show

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Lonely Dress In the Wild #AdamAndJoe

I remember tweeting my approval of Joe's final missive to this one......

From 12th September 2009

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Sexy Bored Lady #AdamAndJoe

Just fancied sharing this today. Adam had a cold which made his voice extra sexy but it has to be stressed, never bored.

From 12th September 09

Just tidying up a few more of Adam's renditions.....

This list is by no means exhaustive.


Friday, 17 September 2010

Relaxing Massage: The Full Package #AdamAndJoe

The beautiful hippy-dippy music linked yesterday came from this delicious portion.

from 29th August 2009

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Did you just poke me in the pod with your stinger? #AdamAndJoe

Once again, I remember tweeting about this sting when i first heard in the podcast. It amused me no end when Adam couldn't work out where it had come from and Joe hadn't a clue.

from 31st October 2009

This is what Adam was referring to..

I left the talking handles at each end to demonstrate how it was used as a jingle.

From the podcast made of the 24th October 2009 show

It was of course, from Joe's Sensual Massage Music and I suppose James Coffee Starling snuck a little burst of it into the podcast.

All of this is utterly out of context without the story this bed was originally made for. That's tomorrow's sound swipe sorted, then.


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

6Music Family Business

This is going to seem like I'm all puffed up and big-headed. That's not the real intention but any cod psychologist would tell you otherwise, of course.

Last weekend, Chris Hawkins of graveyard shift fame at 6Music, stepped into the breach on his day off to cover Adam and Joe's coveted spot. He rose to the occasion without attempting to recreate any of the schticks we would usually expect at that time on a Saturday.

He just ran a tip-top show and as a lover of 6Music, I felt it was my duty to support him with a little contribution.

I'm putting this here because I never expected him to read it out but I thought his delivery was sweet and the track timing most pleasing.

The Vaselines — Sex with an X

Stephen Fry voices concern for Boggins (the dog) #AdamAndJoe


As Shaun Keaveny began his good-byes to Mr Fry this morning, Stephen could not leave the studio without enquiring about the posters which are clearly still taped up somewhere on the main 6Music studio walls.

I was a little alarmed when at first, Shaun didn't seem to know what he meant but I like to think he was playing for time whilst trying to focus on what posters Stephen was referring to. 

I'm rather amused to think that everyone who has worked in that room over the last nine months has had to stare at them. You realise they are still available to download here ?

If you came here for reasons other than Boggins or Adam and Joe fandom and would like to listen to the meat of the Stephen Fry interview, for the next seven days you will find it here. As you might imagine, it is towards the very end of the show but don't let that stop you from listening to all of the deranged noise that precedes it.


The Lost Booker-T Jingle #AdamAndJoe

Joe's busy mind forgot the reasoning behind his Booker T. & the M.G.'s jingle not having an outing when it was first crafted. He managed to get himself all upset by it's exclusion.

But here, little Joedle, it might have actually been withdrawn at your behest.

from 5th September 2009

I could be wrong. There's clearly more than a three week gap here. It might have been some other jingle that we'll never hear but I'll roll with this notion for a while.

That first bippity-bop even has call-backs to the post I made on Sunday and the mysterious jingle that Adam refers to will be covered in tomorrow's post. I'll have the hang of this lark by the time they return in November. (If you build it, they will come)


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Monday, 13 September 2010

Russian National Anthem #AdamAndJoe

You know, it's always fun to fill requests. If there's something you remember from the archive and feel it could do with an outing, let me know.

Just like Jack Buckley, who tweeted his desire for this bit from the first week of their 6Music trial period (aka Covering For Shaun W Keaveny). It seems so funny to hear all the nerves and hesitation in their voices back then.

The power of the Castle is something I'm happy to say they took very seriously.

From 23rd August 2007


Podcast Intro Day: Ringing the changes #AdamAndJoe

Adam steps out of the usual hello box and drags Joe along with him.

Made from the podcast of the 14th February 09 show.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Retro Text The Nation: Beginnings and then some #AdamAndJoe

I can't believe I haven't hustled this bunch of bubbles together before now but that seems to be the case. Sometimes I like to over-blog on a Sunday and this week is certainly no exception.
Starting with this one, grabbed from the first time they reorganised their sacred ten percent of extra, original podcast material. Listen to how supportive Adam is of Joe's wonderful but rare contribution to the jingle cache.

From the podcast for the 21st February 09 show.

A month later, James Richards sent this beautiful bed for Joe to glorify with his own Billy Elliot style rendition and modification.

Made from the podcast for the 21st March 09 show

Theo Campbell made a kind of thrash version.

From 13th June 2009

Then Joe foolishly asked if someone wanted to make a choral version....
From 20th June 2009

The bed John Paul Spears made has a samba feel to it.
From 10th October 2009

There's no dispute that this is a magical noise, sent down to us from the angel community merely using Joe as their mouthpiece but Adam Buxton, prodigious purveyor of endless and acutely topical jingle-jongles, felt rightfully hurt at the adoration poured upon Cornballs for his supplement to James' stunning work.
Just let me know if that sentence is too long, won't you?

From 10th October 09

Mrs Buxton is one of Joe's biggest fans, apparently.

From 14th November 2009

Eventually, Adam admits it has a certain hook.
From 21st November 09

This jingle has had a rocky ride all round. It almost put paid to James' career once.

From the 5th Dec 09 show

Inevitably, Simon Cowell wanted a piece of the action
From 12th December 09

But the real prize was when Macca covered it.

From 28th November 2009

Finally, I feel this completes the suite. A little Adam Anger to get everyone in the mood for Greenwich.
If this isn't a perfect example of Adam's superb acting range, I don't know what is.
From 4th November 2009

It's not as though Adam hasn't had some amazing input from his appreciative and talented Text-The-Nation jingle lovers.
These are collaborations from Lee Henman & Matthew Leach plus original material from Alex Hadham, Robert Wilkinson and finally, Steve Cody's sublime Geordie Version.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Amber Gambler's Song Wars Mash Up

Craig did this live in the studio. I realise it was a pre-recorded show but the point is that he did it in one take with no option to try again. He's some kind of genius.

From 27th December 2008

You can follow Craig here and watch his work here.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Clen and Cat Crisis in Stockwell #AdamAndJoe

Further endorsing Joe's girly love for the helpless animal but also a chance to include a couple of sublime stings from Chris Salt.

From the podcast of the 6th September 2008 show.


ASalt with a deadly Chrisp #AdamAndJoe

I have an unhealthy adoration of The Saltman. I'm a sucker for untapped talent, I guess.

This really should have been included last week when I made my Video Wars post but I'd hate to give the impression that what I do here is anything other than random. You can follow Chris.

From 6th September 2008

nudge: there will be more from the podcast of this show later today.


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Swimming Handles chitty chat #AdamAndJoe

There's something fishy about this.....

Joe voices his concerns about the treatment of crustacea, Adam interrupts, Joe endorses fish harm, Adam makes his point, Joe puts his lady-partner's very intelligent & well considered case, Joe considers how to treat her for making such a suggestion. This is all nicely top-n-tailed with podcast jingle-jongles.

From 28th February 2009

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Shaun Keaveny writes a beautiful poem dedicated to Adam Buxton #AdamBuxton

EMERGENCY EDIT: There seems little point in deleting this post now but I feel as though some beautiful shoes have been gently crushed by my furry, button-down slippers.

The most handsome radio producer bar none, James Sterling has made a bloggin for us to enjoy as a kind of sensible, smart version of the nonsense I posted below today. He's even included the words to the poem and tried to insert a little of Shaun's dialect but he's got one word wrong (though it scans more good in the way James done it).

Please visit and comment and pour your love over there. I ache for the 6Music blog to become more active again.


My original post of this morning.........

There is no good reason why a true Adam and Joe fan shouldn't equally enjoy the full three hours of Keaveny-shaped nonsense and good sounds so I do urge you to Listen Again.

Today's show had some priceless morsels and these culminated with a phone call to Adam.

However, if you really do have a superiorly busy schedule or perhaps had to leave for your daily toil before the end of Shaun's show, like a wicked old auntie, I've sucked out the last few strains for your ease and enjoyment

He's more than a man

He's a god among men

His grand comic genius is beyond our ken

He's bearded and rugged and half of a team

that sometimes make merry on radio and screen

His podcasts are legend

His songs are a joy

He now is a man but once was a boy

His comedy stylings are second to none

Of course, I'm talking about Adam Buxton

Shaun Keaveny, September 2010


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Famous Guy from 4th April 2006 #AdamAndJoe

One could argue that this is a lazy, ill conceived post but I'll have none of it.  

BBC Radio7 broadcast Adam's play last night and we need to give the iPlayer a pounding in the hopes that he may be asked to write some more.  

This was originally heard during Woman's Hour which must have been rattled a few cages.

Listen Now 

- it's there for the next seven days, after which time I shall replace this with the download link Adam posted at the time it first aired.

BBC7 have put that wonky picture on their page for this.

It's wonky because it's so old and none of their facial character is available to ponder. Adam's expression and the strange difference in head sizes makes it look as though he is puppeteering Joe (perhaps that was the intention). Conversely, Adam also looks like he might be sitting on Joe's knee for a special treat but that can't be right because Joe seems calm and happy whereas Adam looks confused.

Most importantly, it's wonky because they are the WRONG WAY AROUND. Everyone knows that it's Adam left & Joe right (to camera). What were they THINKING?

Monday, 6 September 2010

Podcast Intro Day: Lloyds TSB Bank Ponces #AdamAndJoe

Just a shortie today from exactly a year ago.

from the podcast made of the 5th September show.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Adam meets The Queen and a jingle from listener, Scott Smith #AdamAndJoe

Whatever your religious beliefs or lack thereof, you cannot deny that on a Sunday, The Queen rules the Church of England. Fact: She rules it everyday.

Listen to a bit of royalist rambling

From 28th February 2009

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Video Wars Remembered #AdamAndJoe

In 2008, prizes of questionable value were promised to whomever could cobble together the best video for the two shortest Song Wars songs.  Nobody in their right mind could have anticipated the quantity and awesome quality of the submissions.

With the promise of a geek's eye view at the recording of a 6Music show and some inappropriate touching, Chris Salt breasted the winning tape with this magnificent beauty.

By my reckoning, Chris should just be emerging from his most recent four day shoot and I can't wait to see the result.

For the sake of balance by showing an entry for Joe's song, the indisputable runner up, in my opinion was this entry from Stuart Lanceley.

Poke around his channel to find a behind-the-scenes film but you'll be hard pushed to find him on Twitter, for some unaccountable reason.

You can find more amazing runner up entries here.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Adam, M&S and Oxfam #AdamBuxton

Animated with beautiful simplicity by Will Barrass, this ad for Oxfam was voiced by Adam back in May.

One day, we'll find out what Adam did for Tomas Leach.


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Rude Box reversioned by the Adam And Joe Cartel #AdamAndJoe

Whilst compiling the bit for Sunday, I spent too long giggling at the 2nd September 06 show and I thought the fun they had with Robbie Williams' ditty was worth holding aloft.

and this is how it all turned out............