Wednesday 15 September 2010

Stephen Fry voices concern for Boggins (the dog) #AdamAndJoe


As Shaun Keaveny began his good-byes to Mr Fry this morning, Stephen could not leave the studio without enquiring about the posters which are clearly still taped up somewhere on the main 6Music studio walls.

I was a little alarmed when at first, Shaun didn't seem to know what he meant but I like to think he was playing for time whilst trying to focus on what posters Stephen was referring to. 

I'm rather amused to think that everyone who has worked in that room over the last nine months has had to stare at them. You realise they are still available to download here ?

If you came here for reasons other than Boggins or Adam and Joe fandom and would like to listen to the meat of the Stephen Fry interview, for the next seven days you will find it here. As you might imagine, it is towards the very end of the show but don't let that stop you from listening to all of the deranged noise that precedes it.


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