Saturday 4 September 2010

Video Wars Remembered #AdamAndJoe

In 2008, prizes of questionable value were promised to whomever could cobble together the best video for the two shortest Song Wars songs.  Nobody in their right mind could have anticipated the quantity and awesome quality of the submissions.

With the promise of a geek's eye view at the recording of a 6Music show and some inappropriate touching, Chris Salt breasted the winning tape with this magnificent beauty.

By my reckoning, Chris should just be emerging from his most recent four day shoot and I can't wait to see the result.

For the sake of balance by showing an entry for Joe's song, the indisputable runner up, in my opinion was this entry from Stuart Lanceley.

Poke around his channel to find a behind-the-scenes film but you'll be hard pushed to find him on Twitter, for some unaccountable reason.

You can find more amazing runner up entries here.

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