Tuesday 31 August 2010

The day Joe bumped into Duncan Jones #AdamAndJoe

It's rather sweet and so typical of Joe that at the time, he didn't want to mention this on air.
Of course, since then Duncan has become a more willingly available figure in his own right and Joe publicly recounted this meeting whilst discussing Moon last year, so I'm not revealing any great secret here and it's no coincidence that I chose to mention it today.
This clip goes on to recount Adam's first meeting with Spickle Spockle Jonze and we all know how deeply embedded in Adam And Joe culture that relationship has become (despite the fact that Joe failed to ask the sacred six questions at the top of his interview with the now sleeping Edgar Wright).

From 29th October 05

Don't miss your chance to see Moon on the big screen. It is a breathtaking piece which stands up to multiple viewings. If you can be in Waterloo later on today, you'll be rewarded by a Q & A with Duncan Jones. Check availability here.

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