From the 26th December 2009
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Monday, 24 December 2012
Jesus Loves Submarines #AdamAndJoe
It must be really wickwox spending Christmas in Heaven.
From the 24th Dec 2005 XFM Show
You can listen to the entire (minus music, ads and news) here.
The 6 Music Christmas shows are as follow:
Friday, 14 December 2012
Stop Crying. Adam and Edith are on tomorrow #AdamBuxton #EdithBowman
Herewith, the trail for Wk 5. Can you believe there are only three more shows to go?
Friday, 7 December 2012
It's How Radio Works - Adam and Edith Trail Wk 4
Shamefully late posting this one but that's what happens when you're nobbing your hobbs all week with Jack Hughman and Tent In Quarantine..oh.
Keeping the Django Django bed in there but adding a little BUG TV theme music.Tuesday, 27 November 2012
WHISTLE NOW! The Adam Buxton and Edith Bowman Show Trail #3 #AandE
Friday, 23 November 2012
Attack the Block on @Film4 OD for only 30p today! #attacktheblock #joecornish #johnboyega
It hardly seems possible but the lovely people at Film4 are celebrating their 30th birthday by offering thirty of their carefully selected films for just 30p a plop!
You can see the full list of remaining films here.
Seems like a good time to share Joe's introduction to Film4's recent British Connections season. Warning: Joe's using his Back Row voice because he's grown-up and authoratitive now.
with thanks to but without permission from Film4.Aaagh, can ya spare 30p for a cup o' filum?
When Film4 showed Attack the Block on telly earlier this month, it trended above Alan Carr!
He's been skating, or not
Adam and Edith visited Lauren Laverne #AandE
Now that this has slipped off the iPlayer I reckon I'm OK to put this little chucklesome interview here.
From Auntie LaLa's Show on 16th November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
The Adam Buxton and Edith Bowman Show Trail #2 #AandE
It's got clips from the first show and everything.
Don't forget you can listen to last weekend's show on the iPlayer and download the podcast too.
The next show is on Saturday 24th November, 2012.
Adam & Edith are back for more recollections from celebs & your Memory Bank, the bears are back & need a new home for a few days. Adam & our music producer have met to get started the #1 song of 2013, so listen in to hear the work in progress! And get a selection of more conventional music to kick of your Saturday in style.
There's also an amazing podcast from Richard Herring's wonderful Leicester Square series wherein Adam speaks for nearly two earth hours.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Dave and Spadge take a trip to the Pencil Museum inKeswick #AdamAndGarth #Sightseers
(From 20th Sept 2008)
Sightseers will be in all good UK cinemas from November 30th, 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Dr Buckles and Nurse um Botties trail on 6Music #AdamBuxton #EdithBowman
6Music have started to trail the new Saturday morning show which is just coming soon.
Adam Buxton and Edith Bowman start their show on 6Music at 10am on 17th November 2012 and it runs for seven weeks.
The good times will soon be here.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
You will never be a vampire from Twilight #AdamAndJoe
This is genius random freestyling and collaboration at its best. It was a killer episode and also gave details of Don Lett's famous, one minute fart show.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Rappin', Joe Strummer Stylie #AdamAndJoe
Adam and Joe played Magnificent Seven by The Clash
and Adam filled the next link with this:
From 23rd May 2009Tuesday, 25 September 2012
A gem from the Home Alone TTN show #AdamAndJoe
I defy anyone not to laugh out loud at some point during this clip.
From 23rd May 2009
Monday, 24 September 2012
Bobbo Dylan's Lozenge Lament #AdamAndJoe
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Memory Bipp: Adam Buxton on Will Smith's Tao of Bergerac. #AdamBuxton
Every time I watch a new episode of The Thick of It, featuring Will Smith in the acting and writing chair (pehaps even directing?), I am reminded of his nutty Nettles fandom and Adam's contribution therein.
This is no doubt the springboard which enabled Will to buy his golden palace and take holidays on a private planet. This show is from August 2007 when things were better.
You do have to register to access this file but it's free & sometimes a bit useful. If you find you're utterly hooked on this delicious nonsense, you can buy the full series from the BBC (via Amazon).
......perhaps Will might fancy joining Adam for his new 6 Music show. I mean, he's tall, silly sexy, handsome and clever. I'm sure he could launch the odd torpedo if pressed. We'd hardly know the difference........
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Adam & Joe retain their 'secret' status in new comedyquiz #AdamBuxton #JoeCornish
Now, a precedent has been set for Adam and Joe references in these tea-time quiz shows (see way below) and thankfully, their run of enduring forgettableness remains uninterupted thanks to a cashier at lunch in Jason Manford's memory bank.
Of course, this instance has the stench of double amusement when we realise than in a few hours' time, we'll be watching the product of Mr Manford's recent meeting with Mr Buxton in Big Fat Quiz of the 80's. Thank goodness that was recorded last week.
Ann Robinson's Weakest Link
Terry Wogan's Quiz thing
Monday, 27 August 2012
Adam Buxton & Shaun Keaveny in retro jingle-off #BBC6MusicBreakfast
When Adam was in London last week, he sat down with a few delighful young men to chat about Adam Buxton's BUG on Sky Atlantic HD. The last episode of series one* starts airing tonight.
One of those young men was Shaun W Keaveny who will always hold a fond place in my heart as his painful, two week absense from 6Music in August of 2007 (yes, this time five years ago!) heralded the opportunity for Adam and Joe to ram their silly feet in the BBC door and sneak back in.
Shaun usually spends about ten minutes talking to some hopeful, eagerly flaunting his wares into the ears of listeners better employed in the task of preparing for work but today, the day of summery lie-ins for so many of us, he treated us to nearly half an hour of Buxty joy.
It all began with a jingle-off which is how I shall tease the interview. Eventually I shall put the whole thing up here but while there's life in the iPlayer link, I'll just leave you with a whet-down.
Shaun's show is always a chucklesome listen from the start but if you simply cannot wait for a bit of Buxty, shimmy along to just past the 2 hour mark on the iPlayer.
Matt Edmondson will also share an interview with Adam during his Radio One show this Wednesday and there's a great podcast with the fellas at Empire magazine here.
*surely there will be more series? You know it.
Monday, 23 July 2012
For @Ultraculture The version of Baby Love that Gordy rejected #AdamAndJoe
For some years, from the comfort of his short trousers, Charlie Lyne toiled at the fan-face of the Adam and Joe community. It is always a pleasure to offer some kind of small payback for those bygone efforts.
In response to his enquiry, here's a clip from nearly five years ago when Adam and Joe got up at some health-threateningly early hour to cover for Shaun W Keaveny while he was away for two weeks.
From 30th August 2007 (Sorry, the sound quality isn't top notch 128bps)
If you're capable of multi-tasking, why not look at Charlie's blog while you're listening. It's the shiz.
Wait, no....this is The Shiz.
Friday, 20 July 2012
He's got a blog. He's got a blog. Rooty, Rooty Schmooty #AdamBuxton
....and he's ruddy well updated it again!
If you were quick to read the latest post, you'll probably be a fan already and won't need telling how much Adam loves Joe, how entranced he is by his daughter (& sons), the measure of respect he has for the team behind BUG and you'll probably know that the warmth and candor he shows in interviews is to his enormous credit rather than exposing any perceived wallyocrity.
As ever with Adam, his blog is carefully balanced in it's aim to put right a few omittions made by the interviewers whilst retaining a respectful nod to those toiling at the coal face of the printing presses by appearing to bear the burden of error....or 'wallyishness'.
It's a treat to have two blog communications in one month. It puts me to shame but in my defence, if Adam blogs, you don't need me to.
.....except for the odd bit of Joe news, I guess.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Podcast Intro Day: The Last One #AdamAndJoe
I've strung this out as long as I could but it's with a heavy heart that I post the last of the intros.
If you're going to be a pendant* it's an intro jingle from the unstoppable Adam so no warbling from lazy, old Joe**, and a pre-outro Boggins song, once again from Adam.
When I clipped this out, I let it run to the end of the pod to include all the thanks and farewells which sweetly includes a little mention of this Auntie Nubbins character. This all feels rather final now. I shall go into the corner and cry for a while.
From 26th June 2011
* Shaun W Keaveny told me that's how to spell it.
** He's not lazy, he's just a bit less warbles productive. I love him. I love them both. I want them back. I miss them.
Episode Two of Adam Buxton's BUG is on Sky Atlantic tonight. The awesome first episode and some wonderful extra clips are available at the Sky website. The BUG 5th Birthday phone app is still available, you know.
Joe is (in no particular order) adapting Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", preparing to shoot an adaptation of Royden Lepp's "Rust", preparing to shoot his adaptation of Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash"
Sunday, 15 July 2012
One from the tiny mind of Auntie Nubbins #AdamBuxton
I wanted to look at both of yesterday's glossy magazine pages about Adam simultaneously and when I did.....look what happened.
I spent a few minutes trying to get them perfectly in register but without a nicely locked-off tri-pod, I didn't stand a chance and it r e a l l y wasn't worth it.If you have the Guardian Magazine, you're probably scratching your head and wondering why your picture is different to mine. Adam really doesn't like the picture used in that article. 'Someone' even changed it for the web copy so there's no way I was going to sully my pages with it. I swapped that one in because he used it at the Electric Proms so I figured he was probably pleased with it and it fits the space in a similar way to the one they had. Stop me if I'm getting too anal about this.
You can read both wonderful pieces on-line without paying or anything.
Oh....and here's a local review of his Latitude set from yesterday.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Once again, Adam Buxton has created a meme #AdamBuxtonsBUG #BUGMusicVIdeos #SkyAtlantic
Now that most* people have adopted 'sutin' into their everyday vocabulary, Adam has given us something new to get our chops around.
From Monday's BUG, we have 'my CONDOLENC'.
For Sky Atlantic subscribers, Adam Buxton's BUG is repeated late at night all week and is also available on Sky Go.
The tweets from people who tweeted the phrase are too many so you'll have to explore it yourself but here are just the ones that have been hash-tagged.
Results for "#mycondolenc"
Watched @AdamRealBuxton show BUG on #skyatlantic via #skygo app last night... good show... Great vid at the end too #goodwork #myCONDOLENC
@johnwarrender Your #MyCONDOLENC is the closest I've come to feeling better about my hair, The Newsroom and Andy Murray. #bug
Adam Buxton's Bug is the stupidest thing I've ever laughed at so hard I've nearly wrecked my throat. #MyCONDOLENC
great show @AdamRealBuxton. Look more like De Niro every day. Cheers Sky Atlantic, not just great US shows. #bug #myCONDOLENC
@AdamRealBuxton Great show sir! Loved the music vid at the end. Have series linked for record! #myCONDOLENC
@jonny1leg someone very close to me has recently been bereaved. Remind me not to say #MyCONDOLENC please.
@AdamRealBuxton fantastic first episode of Bug on Sky Atlantic #bug #mycondolenc
So glad there's still another 7 episodes of Adam Buxton's BUG to come. #Genius #MyCONDOLENC @AdamRealBuxton
I feel very sorry for you if you didn't just watch @AdamRealBuxton on Bug just fact I'd day, my CONDOLENC
@devilmatt Wank it off son #myCONDOLENC
The first #Bug was great. #MyCONDOLENC
*'most people' meaning 'some of my friends'.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Adam and Garth #AdamAndGarth
Joe had to dash off on some Ant-Man business or sutin in the middle of their short 2011 run. Lovely Garth Jennings stepped in but they didn't trample all over the Adam and Joe schtick with a sung intro. I thought it would be nice to include this today however, since all indications are that Garth's new Summertime Blues video will feature in tonight's BUG on Sky Atlantic at 9:30pm.
From 21st May 2011BUG on Sky Atlantic details here.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
BUG Begins This Monday! #AdamBuxton
This show was originally scheduled to air in the Autumn but Sky loved what they saw so much they've brought it forward to their much lauded New Comedy Season and plopped it right between Alan Partridge and Armando Iannucci's Veep. This is exquisite programming and something for Adam and the BUG team to be very proud of.
SKY have really licked their BUG microsite into shape now.
There's a little teaser clip including a Radiohead item, Adam takes us Behind the Scenes at the Riverside Studios where BUG on TV was filmed, a "Bug Bites" feature with a selection of BUGs favourite videos and a brief look at how Garth Jennings directed Adam in a video for Guitar Wolf's version of Summertime Blues. Hopefully, this "Meet the Director" feature will be a regular clip to go with each of the eight upcoming shows.
Adam has been talking to the press:
Monday, 2 July 2012
Podcast Intro Day: New Age Coin #AdamAndJoe
I reinstated this tag a week later than I should have done so this was missed on 2nd April.
It's The Return Of The Saint with an New Age twist and they both run out of steam.
From 2nd April 2011
Apparently, the Adam and Joe game of pass-the-Boggins-parcel has shunted the poor, sweet, stinky thing in the direction of CBBC who are using him for their live sportball commentaries.
I see tweets about this from time to time but have yet to muster enough enthusiasm to check for myself.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Six of the Best #AdamBuxton #BUGMusicVideos
Adam did his best for yesterday's Times Saturday Review.
"My new TV show BUG is a medium to showcase the brilliance of the music video. It's been running as a live show at the BFI for about five years, and the aim is to introduce people to innovative and groundbreaking videos, and highlight the funniest comments about those videos from the You Tube community. So rather than me coming out with some half-baked, pompous crap, I'm using other people's half-baked, pompous crap. I'm a fan of things that are simple and work within boundaries. The constraints of the music video are such that you come out with stuff that you don't get with any other medium. The main constraint is time - they're short. Most music videos don't outstay their welcome, and in that short space of time you have to put across all kinds of visual and metaphorical ideas, and you have to do it quickly and succinctly or people will get sidetracked. When that's done right, nothing is more exhilarating. A good video can reinvent a boring piece of music, or make you hear it in a different way and make you realise that you were missing the point. I found it difficult to choose six because the ones I have seen recently tend to be the ones I remember but here's a mixture of old and new.
BUG starts on Sky Atlantic, July9, 9:30pm"
Simple Math - Manchester Orchestra - Daniels It's an epic stuffed with ideas - a guy gets into a car accident and then flashes back through his life. There's lots of simple visual tricks but it's beautifully done and seamlessly integrated.
They Come To Get Us - The Death Set - Guillaume Panariello This is crammed full of pop cultural references - images from The Simpsons, Star Trek, SpiderMan and video games. It's spectacular.
Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel - Stephen R Johnson I was so excited the first time I saw this. It was an event. It was done by Aardman. Back then, you had no control over when you saw it. I was constantly living in a state of anxious hope that it would be on.
Knife - Grizzly Bear - Encyclopedia Pictura It is completely odd and - like a lot of music videos - packed with really strange, ludicrously obscure and pretentious imagery. But it's done with so much flair and imagination.
Weird Fishes - Radiohead - Tobias Stretch Tobias Stretch is from Pennsylvania and he shoots most of his stuff in the Appalachian Mountains. It's just him with a digital stills camera and he does a lot of stop-motion stuff with these big, weird puppet creatures that he creates. He submitted this video for an Aniboom competition, which he won. It is just brilliant.
Let Forever Be - The Chemical Brothers - Michel Gondry This is my favourite. It's mind-boggling. It's a simple idea, but it's still hard to express in words. Gondry takes video effects - wipes, transitions etc - and represents them in real life; making home-made versions of things that previously only existed in the technological world. I don't even like the track that much, but the video goes perfectly with the music. And it hurts your mind to try to work out how he did it.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
The best sounds you're likely to get from Adam and Joe #GlastoMemories
It may have been a little too cruel of me to link this at the weekend. I might have been accused of blighting the progress of our sport ball team.
This link must surely contain examples of our very favourite emissions from these lovely men.
There are few things more cockle-warming that hearing Adam reduced to uncontrollable, emphysemic giggles and I always picture Joe insisting that he be given the Jarvis Mike to make him sound extra mellow and sexy for this show. It's from the 2010 Sunday Glastonbury show.
From 27th June 2010(If you want to hear the exchange they had with Jarvis Cocker just before going on air themselves, it's right here. Joe sounds disgusting but slightly in awe. Buckles sounds warm and lovely.)
and from the same weekend....this is for @PowellWarren because he asked....
From 25th June 2010Wednesday, 27 June 2012
GETS! You can sort of play this using Twitter and stuff #AdamandJoe
From the BBC3 show Adam and Joe Go Tokyo.
If you're not familiar with this show and imagine this is one of the sillier moments, you're wrong. This is just a regular day in the life of 2003 Adam and Joe.
I'm not quite sure how I think this might work but I've made some little images you can use to play Gets! with your friend online. Drag them to your desktop and start playing somehow.
Acchi muite! Gets!
They're a bit rubs.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Stupid Sound Check #AdamandJoe
This was, of course, the Glastonbury weekend last year. There was no sung intro from the Friday show but I thought I could legitimately plop the Saturday one in here.
From 25th June 2011
I shall save the final Podcast Song for next Monday, if I remember. Once again, it's Boggins based and it's Adamglorific.
ETA: I forgot. I'll post it when I've caught up on a couple of stragglers.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Podcast Intro Day: It's another outro & this time, by alistener. #AdamAndJoe
If you haven't caught up with the big BUGtv and next Cornballs project news, hurry over here.
It's a relief that Joe has been given another little job to do because his tickling skills have clearly diminshed. He was unable to cause much damage to Adam's farewell sustain.
The gorgeous James Stirling, producer of so many wonderful BBC radio shows and compiler of the podcast, plopped a little present in, after the outro trail. I don't think we ever had a name check for the artiste of this wonderful little ditty. Why Be Denny Different?
Both from 18th June 2011
Monday, 11 June 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Joevenilia #AdamAndJoe
This time last year, Joe hoisted himself by the very petard* he so feared in his silly, idiotic, self-agrandising, comedy way. Adam remained surprisingly calm, for the most part.
Adam and Joe introduce the podcast with the theme tune to The Wombles.
From 11th June 2011
*If I was wanton enough to believe Wiki, it seems that "petard" can also mean an airbourne toxic event.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Still no song but a Farewellonic #AdamAndJoe
It gives me great pleasure to post this clip today. It contains such beautiful imagery.
4th June 2011
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Mum Hums for @FruityLexia #AdamandJoe
It seems the post I made on Monday has remained in Fruity's brainium as an earworm and she will not rest until she knows what the tune is. I may have some bad news for her........
From 6th June 2009Monday, 28 May 2012
Podcast Into Song Day: Only it's an Outro and it's not asong #adamandjoe
With Garth filling in for Joe last week, there was no Podcast Intro Song and they took advantage of that gap to let it slide upon Joe's return.
James clearly missed the feature so he cheekily snuck Joe's newspaper reading tune into the very tail-end of the pod.
Imagine this across the breakfast table. He's asking for a croissant in the solar plexus.
from 28th May 2011
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Sing a Song Of Silver, a Pocket full of WIN! #AdamAndJoe
I know, I is worth much, much more than silver. Joe has already established that. However, the gold winners, albeit delightful and deserving, were the token novelty win of the night and who can r e a l l y tell the difference between silver and platinum anyway?
Here is the presentation speech, anyhoo.
I hope my shoutout didn't jinx the whole affair.I must say RadioToday Live did a grand job of webstreamig from the evening, even though my broadband dropped out half way through so I didn't get much more of the show. Thanks must go to Claire Slevin (Producer of the ludicrously overlooked Shaun W Keaveny show erstwhile producer of Adam and Joe's shoe + Buckles bicycle safety officer) who tweeted with the news as I was out socialising. Deal with it.
You can read more about what the judges said here.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Adam finds his lady-voice and Joe primes atorpedo #AdamAndJoe
It's James Gooding's suggestion of Axel F by Harrolf Faltermeyer today.
This is the start of Joe's insecurity about the singing form of intro as he nervously fiddles with the tip of his torpedo. Adam holds his hand and gently reasons with him.
14th May 2011
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again. The winners are announced tonight from Grosvenor House. You can listen to the commentary here.
There's a sort of calendar here.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Joe's Still Sticking At It #TheChase #JoeCornish
Ann's contestant was clueless, Woggles' watchers were witless and last week, Bradley's bunch were boobies. They're ours for a while longer. The tea-time telly watchers many not have them.
In The Chase (still available till the end of the month) neither the contestants nor the erm, 'Chaser' could identify Joe as the BBC 6Music DJ who directed Attack the Block. Hurrah! Idiotholes Rule!
Monday, 7 May 2012
Podcast Intro Day: Not exactly Adam and Joe. Not quite DoctorWho #AdamAndJoe
This time last year, the podcast began with Lynne Patience & Steve Jefferies' haunting rendition of The Doctor Who Theme. This still sends a chill through me.
(wonky credit also to Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop)
Of course, Adam and Joe have done the Doctor Who theme before. Which is best. You decide.
Sadly, Bob and Karen from Sheffield have yet to produce their own show.
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Since when was 'Harvey' was a proper name for a dog? #Boggins #AdamBuxton
It certainly is Adam's turn to be busy again, not that he ever seems to rest.
As we eagerly await scheduling news for BUG TV, Adam has penned the jingle for this ad - on air from tomorrow.
"Friends - alala poopoo lala"
Read more at Thinkbox and Marketing Week.
Podcast Intro Song: Grown-ups acting like silly boys #AdamandJoe
......and we wouldn't want them any other way.
This time last year, our favourite idiotholes 'sang' the theme to Dallas but the link is consumed by Joe's concern about that small portion (one person) of the fun-loving community getting the impression that there is some underlying juevenille element to these intros.
From 30th April 2011
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Podcast Intro Song: Chitty Titty Bang Bang #AdamandJoe (+ @Fruitylexia)
What begins with a lovely, reciprocal collaboration descends into a little bit of gleeful intro-sparring - from a suggestion by Matt in Camden.
There's a fond mention of Prue in here too and yes, Fruity, Roobarb and Custard featured in October 2009.
From 23rd April 20111
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again.
There's a sort of calendar here.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Happy Birthday to the Picturehouses Podcast #podbirthday
Tonight's the night that Sam and Simon celebrate two years of Picturehouses Podcasting at The RItzy.
It's true to say this is a somewhat hasty mention but Radcliffe & Maconie gave them a tiny shoutout today.
[wpvideo HwrZnyVA]
The evening ended thusly:
Monday, 16 April 2012
Podcast Intro Song: Bong #AdamandJoe
Make the most of these because they'll soon run out.
This time last year, the podcast began with the News At Ten theme.
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Groove is in the Heart on The One Show #AdamAndJoeAndLouis
Louis Theroux was promoting his latest telly project on The One Show last night.
Chris Evans' team managed to cleverly hang this clip on the preceding article about Beryl and Betty who are nominated for a Sony Radio Academy Award in one of the same categories as Adam and Joe's show.
[wpvideo cPGPf9gi]
The rest of that Deee-Liteful clip is on Adam's channel here.
You can watch LOUIS THEROUX's - EXTREME LOVE - Autism on Thursday, 19th April 2012 at 9pm on BBC2.
The Radio Academy Awards will be announced at Grosvenor House on 14th May 2012.
For some reason, that episode of The One Show is not available on the iPlayer at the moment.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Podcast Intro Day: The fleeting visit of an old friend #AdamandJoe
Goddammit, I even made a special page and tag and stuff.
I should have started this up again a week ago to mark the anniversary of their return to 6Music last year but I was busy and shit.
This is from exactly a year ago - Star Trek.
From 9th April 2011
You can still download the full podcast from the BBC Podsite and to complete the nostalgia hit, why not visit the Black Squadron Gallery and the 6Music Blog?
Adam and Joe have been nominated for a couple of Sony's again.
Adam is bringing BUG to the Sky Arts tell-o-vision later this year and you can be a part of it in the audience.
Be warned to get there early to guarantee being seated as they necessarily have to over-invite to ensure it's full up. Apply for tickets here. Put ADAMANT in the comment section.
Joe is sitting in his wolf pants, his sexy surgery door a tiny bit ajar while he rubbs himself up and down all the awards he's received for Attack the Block.
Monday, 19 March 2012
6Music 10th Birthday treats ongoing and a roundup #AdamAndJoe #HappyBirthday6Music
Any 6Music listener has a right to feel warm and protective towards the station they fought so hard to save from the clutches of Thommo's evil bin bag. That their rescue effort has afforded them a week of tenth birthday celebrations is the real glace cherry atop the anniversary cake.
For anyone who was lucky enough to take part in some of the events over the last few days :puffsoutamplechest: you will have your own special memories and quite possibly bruises. If your method of joining in was simply by listening and watching live-webcasts from Maida Vale etc, I've gathered a few additional links.
Once the studio had filled up from the eager line outside, the following missive was issued to all who attended the Maida Vale events.....and there you were thinking Adam and Joe didn't take part in the fun (with thanks to David James).
As you can see from my post last week, Adam and Joe contributed to Steve Lamacq's Family Tree History both audibly and in his animated film. At the risk of being beheaded (but this can't be worse than anything John Lydon did with Peter Serafinowicz on Saturday) I have that lovely show stored for safe keeping.
Furthemore, there are no less than 30 clips here from both Maida Vale and the South Bank concerts. They are on a 30 day fuse.
Much of this footage is available on the Red Button this week.
You can Listen Again to Gideon's show of hilights here and there's a even more info here.
Lauren's MPFree this week is from her live sessions and do have a poke around the 6Music YouTube Channel.
Finally, this caught my ears on Saturday afternoon and moved right down to warm my cockills.
From Sachin Croker on the Liz Kershaw 6Music Show 17th March 2012
This is the version of Changes he is referring to.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Happy Birthday 6Music. Lamacq's Family Tree #AdamAndJoe
It's on the iPlayer and ordinarily, I'd try to wait until it expires before posting a clip but we've missed them, haven't we?
I strongly recommend you listen to the entire show because it has been beautifully and lovingly put together but here is a clip of Tom Robinson's memorable moment which happily includes Dr Buckles
Given that this documentary, covering ten years, was only an hour long, I think Adam and Joe were given a good slug of the action. That said, I'd love to hear the out-takes, of course.You really could have a wonderful time checking back over all the lovely 6Music shows today and there are many more events to come next week.Saturday, 10 March 2012
Putting a Face to a Name and Voice: Anne O'Grady of Bakerloo #AdamAndJoe
We all remember the train announcer section of Traveling Tales during last year's season of Adam and Joe 6Music Shows.
[wpvideo YfPMZHqB]
Friday, 9 March 2012
6 on 2 - Trail for tomorrow's Best of Adam and Joe Show.
As heard on Steve Wright in the afternoon (with thanks to everyone who told me about it).
Saturday, 3 March 2012
For @mcMiddleClass : Adam and Joe at the Tate Modern (XFM12 Podcast Intro) #Adamandjoe
I have been shamed for not remembering where this Tony B-liar reference fell within the great tome of the Adam and Joe oevure. I should make it clear that the gentle ribbing came more from @SongWarmonger and @EthanRunt but it made me pull up my socks. By that, I mean I popped my XFM pods on for breakfast this morning.
Here we go:
Thanks also to @SLPriorGirling for suggesting (in response to this) that I checked the XFM Podcast #16 which, in my opinion, is the absolute funniest in a basket of very, very funny things.The XFM links on iTunes seem to be completely dead now. They've been gradually falling off since January. The forum team will make them available soon, I'm sure.
Don't forget there is a tiny Best Of Adam and Joe airing on Radio2 tonight at 10pm......but this morning, Peter Serafinowicz' wickles show is on 6Music at 10am. He is joined by none other than Terence Stamp today. I'm of the age where a short swoon is apporporiate but never mind that. He IS General ZOD!
Friday, 2 March 2012
The Best of Adam and Joe on BBC Radio Two tomorrow #AdamandJoe
Like a little secret, cruely denied us lest we should emit excite messes, BBC Radio2 have noodled an hour of Adam and Joe Best Bits together as part of the 6Music 10th Birthday hoopla.
Divided into two thirty minute platters, they air at 10pm on this and the following Saturday.
It'll be on the iPlayer too. I like to imagine maybe Joe is referring to his texts to Tom Townend or his editor or maybe Mr Notary. I have a great imagination....and an idle mind
Two Sexy Doctors on the Red Carpet or 'In One Ear and Out The Other' #JoeCornish
Off the telly from a couple of weeks ago. This tickled me so there it is.
BAFTA Red Carpet - let it load or click the's a tiny animation.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Joe Cornish will introduce Over the Edge as his Screen Epiphany atthe @BFI
If you're a BFI member, you're entitled to a free ticket. You can bring a guest for smallpence.
With priority booking for BUGs (and indeed their entire schedule) into the bargain, there has never been a better time to join this glorious establishment.
You can view edited hilights of the introduction at the BFI website.
SongWarmonger's triangle of loyaltyupdate! #NebulaAwards #NeilGaiman #JoeCornish #DuncanJones
Friday, 24 February 2012
Fantastic Nebula Awards Poster: Cornballs versusDonut #AttacktheBlock #SourceCode
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
#Allowit: @LOVEFilm_Live pioneers live commentary while streamingAttack the Block! #JoeCornish
Tonight Joe Cornish, Alex Esmail, Nick Frost and briefly, Edgar Wright sat on a sofa at Big Talk's London headquarter to waffle their way through the film while it streamed and answer Chat Room and Twitter questions. I believe this was the first time LOVEFIlm had attempted such an event and it seemed to be a great success.
The whole Q & A was once available to watch at LOVEFilm but now it says "temporarily removed". There are some photos here.
Here's a link to the costume Joe refers to
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Richard Bacon Show features Adam and Joe bit
From The Richard Bacon 6Music Show 11th February 2012
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Enjoy additional stargazing with Adam and Joe on The UniverseShow #AdamAndJoe
I haven't done the job of chopping out Joe's little mistake(s). It would be disingenuous of me.......and take time.....and David is so lovely.
From 2nd April 2011
During tonight's Stargazing, PBC started to mention Eta Carinae but stopped and showed a picture of something else. Shame.

They also did a light pollution experiment from Dulverton in Devon where I believe Joe told us he has fond, childhood memories.
....and lest we should forget, The Universe downloads the podcast.
Finally, here is James Hood's illustration from The Universe Show.